2016 Dec 13 10:19 AM
Hi All,
We have a problem in SAP ISU when we print multiple print documents for the same business partner ( using tcode EA60, EA29 ).
These standard tcodes trigger a custom application form( print work bench) in SAP. It finally generates a spool which is sent to third party systems for formatting etc.
Now, if multiple documents for a business partner are printed together , then the output for all three is found together in one spool output. I want them to come as separate spool output files ( one spool output file per print document ). If multiple documents of different business partners are printed together then separate spool files are generated.
Any ideas? Print parameter settings are correct.
2016 Dec 13 2:07 PM
Dear Suman,
SAP tries to add a new spool to existing spool files, if printer, title, datset ... fit.
I do not know which technology you use (Sapcript, Smartforms, Adobe), so I cannot tell the parameter/fields . Can you check the call that starts the output and set e.g. field TDNEWID = TRUE . Then it should be in a separate spool. Or you can modify TDDATASET, TDSUFFIX1 and TDSUFFIX2 (in a sapscript printing case) to split the spools.
2016 Dec 28 1:49 PM
Hi Jurgen,
Thanks for your response and Sorry for my late response. unfortunately I haven't been able to find a solution yet. And for your question, we are using smart form based output.
The TDNEWID is already set as true. that's the reason when multiple documents are printed together of different business partner then separate spools are created. However when different bills for one customer is printed together and it is appended in one spool together. We want different spools created for every document even if they belong to one customer. This looks to be a standard process and I have no clue yet how to fix this...:(
2017 Jan 19 12:49 PM
Dear Suman,
can you try to set TDDATASET, TDSUFFIX1 or TDSUFFIX2 in structure OUTPUT_OPTIONS (SFCOMPOP) with different values, e.g. TDSUFFIX2 with the document number?
2016 Dec 29 4:38 PM
Hi Suman,
One way out would be to that in the print program you can loop through the internal table containing invoice numbers(print doc No) , calling OPEN_FORM, WRITE_FORM etc for sap script inside the loop for each invoice, creating separate spool request for each invoice.
They are helpful in splitting the spools. It splits the spool document wise
2017 Jan 12 12:28 PM
Hi Suman,
Have you explored the option to add your logic in FQEVENT R392? Here you can Change Print Object meaning you have control to determine new spool requests under parameters:
You may have to gather the Print header object at the beginning of invoice print and sort based on BP and Print doc first at FQEVENT R390, something like:
SORT xyt_eiterdk BY partner ASCENDING.
2017 Jan 19 2:29 PM
Thanks for your support guys. This is solved now. The open/close optimization active checkbox was causing the issue. Overlooked it.