2015 Apr 17 4:09 PM
hello export ,
.I have a requirement that client want to post transaction to FICA after Billing in CI component without invoicing , do you think it's possible ?
Can anyone advise me ? thanks !
2015 Apr 18 12:30 PM
Hi Mary Lee.
Invoicing is the process that links billing to the contract accounts receivables and payables (or, in other words, among other, creates the FI-CA document).
What would be the difference between the standard invoicing and the the functionality you would like to achieve? Or, what does the invoicing process do that you dont want to be done? Maybe then we can see how to work it out.
2016 Aug 25 10:50 AM
Hi Marko,
I have similar requirement. We need to Post FICA document(after Billing in CI component) without invoicing, In case of Estimates. Please advise.
2016 Aug 25 11:15 AM
Hi Ajay,
What you can do is
1. Trigger Manual billing FM
2. Trigger billing simulation FM inside Manual bill FM and make ERCHZ structure the way you want
So now you have a manual bill doc with your estimated line items amount now create invoice for this.