2015 Oct 13 7:14 AM
Hello Experts
When i try to Post document in (FPE1) Contract Accounts ... System show me these Errors.....
1.G/L account could not be determined
2.The acct assignment data relevant to the main trans. do not provide G/L acct
3.G/L account does not exist
And i already assign Gls in (EK01) and (EK02) and also check the keys of Access Sequence Environment upper menu .... but it show me again this error can any one please help me out how i resolve these errors .
Kind Regards,
Faraz sharif
2015 Oct 13 2:32 PM
This error indicates that EK01 is not configured properly. You should check your values for company code, division. adid and main transaction in that table. You must hit all four.