2009 Nov 13 3:34 PM
Hi All,
I'm currently working on integrating the IVR system with SAP ECC 6.0 - IS-U module. I would like to know if there is any function module or BAPI which I can use to receive the payment information and the credit card information to update the document. The approach we are taking here is to receive the payment information using a web service and we want to update the FICA document with payment method and credit card information so that it can be pciked up using the payment run for clearing.
I'm unable to find any details as most of them are using IVR with CRM system .
Also I would like to know if it is OK to use the function modules given for Bilelr Direct for receiving the payments from IVR. We already have a working Bilelr direct functionaliy.
Thanks and Regards
2009 Nov 16 10:20 PM
You will have to create a paylot, append the payments to it and then post the paylot. You can achieve this using the function modules BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_CREATE, BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_APPEND, BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_SCHEDULE
BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_RELEASE and BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_CLOSE. Please read the documentation for understanding the purpose and sequence in which these need to be called.
2009 Nov 16 10:20 PM
You will have to create a paylot, append the payments to it and then post the paylot. You can achieve this using the function modules BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_CREATE, BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_APPEND, BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_SCHEDULE
BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_RELEASE and BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_CLOSE. Please read the documentation for understanding the purpose and sequence in which these need to be called.
2009 Nov 17 5:17 PM
Thank you so much for your reply. You answer was really helpful. I need to research these functio modules more to find out how to use them. Also I just want to check if you worked for Intelligrpup Inc. If yes then we have worked together for office max project for a very brief period.
2009 Dec 02 6:45 PM