2012 Mar 27 12:50 AM
I need to perform device removal(full removal) . During removal i need to estimate the Meter reading using MR note(ABLHINW field in EABL). I am calling the function module 'ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL_PROVIDE' and 'ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL'. I am populating the auto and obj structures after calling the provide FM. however neither the MR are estimated nor are the devices removed. While calling both FM, I am not defaultingx_no_mr_required to 'X' as I need to pass the readings. If I pass this field and execute the FM, instead of full removal the billing related removal without the readings is performed.
Could anyone please help me out? I can pass the psuedo code if required.
2012 Mar 27 12:35 PM
Hi Anand,
You need to update XY_AUTO-METERDOC structure consistently with (meter reading note).
2015 Dec 29 6:35 PM
Could you please share the solution if you had found. when i tried to remove through Batch Job it is throwing error but when I do the same manually it is working fine. Please help me on the same.
Thank you in Advance.
Sudhakar S