2011 Apr 29 12:30 PM
Hi Friends
I am activating Fq events 222 for calling a screen in tcode FP05.
Customised screen is not getting called.
Could you guide me . what could be the reason? Why it is not getting called.
Do you have codes or tips pertaining to Fqevents 222 which calls an external screen.
2011 Sep 20 1:06 PM
This event is only available to customer - specific requrement and will be triggered only if the condition given in the documentation are met:
The conditions are as follows:
The screen to be included must contain 2 lines and 97 columns. You can use SAPLFKZ0 0599 as copy template.
Include the installation-specific additional fields for table DFKKZP (payment lot item) in the customer include CI_FKKZP.
The screen must call up at least one PBO module where you can change the field properties, and one PAI module, where you can transfer the values entered or changed to the payment lot item. To get information about the current processing status, call up the function module FKK_PAYMENT_BATCH_DETAIL_PBO in the PBO module. To transfer the data entered to the payment lot item, call up the function module FKK_PAYMENT_BATCH_DETAIL_PAI in the PAI module.
The coding for sample module FKK_SAMPLE_0222 contains an inactive coding example for the processing logic on the screen and the modules required.
If you also want to use the installation-specific fields for the list entry or display, you have to create the customer include CI_FKKZPLST and include the fields there.
You can then define screen variants that contain additional fields for payment lots.
Abhijit Sonar
2016 Jul 26 7:14 AM
Hi S Mohanty,
Does the issue got resolved ? If so could you please let me know the procedure to resolve the issue. Since even I am facing the similar kind of problem.
In my requirement I have to place two buttons like clip board and upload of a file to place records in Item table. Please let me know if it is achievable to bring them up in this 222 FQevent space ?
Santosh Kumar J
2019 Apr 24 10:53 PM
Yes it comes if you follow the instruction under Payment Data tab (not separate tab).