2013 Jul 02 3:56 PM
I have created custom FM for event 1330. There is already standard FM - ISU_DUE_DATE_DETERMINE for this event.
Custom FM has limited logic of due date for few specific payment terms. For remaining existing payment terms, due date should be calculated by standard FM - ISU_DUE_DATE_DETERMINE as it was.
Now issue is as below,
when I set custom FM in FQEVENTS and create any FICA doc, only custom FM gets called. Standard FM - ISU_DUE_DATE_DETERMINE is not being used.
So when CA has specific payment term which is applicable for custom FM, document gets created successfully. Otherwise, system is not able to calculate due date because main logic is absent in custom FM and which is in FM - ISU_DUE_DATE_DETERMINE.
As of now, I can see only single entry in table TFKFBC when I set custom FM in FQEVENTS.
Am I missing anything on configuration part? or I should set standard FM as well in custom FM list?
Thanks in advance,
2013 Jul 02 6:44 PM
Event 1330 is an either/or - so by using your FM, that is the only one called. You need to provide logic in your custom FM to determine the due date in all scenarios. Probably add an IF/ELSE and then call the standard FM within yours when it fails your criteria.
2013 Jul 02 6:44 PM
Event 1330 is an either/or - so by using your FM, that is the only one called. You need to provide logic in your custom FM to determine the due date in all scenarios. Probably add an IF/ELSE and then call the standard FM within yours when it fails your criteria.
2013 Jul 03 2:23 AM
Hi Murtuza,
If a custom FM is attached to Event 1330, it will only call that event. If you need to call your custom logic only at some specific payment term condition and rest should be standard, then as Bill suggested, you would have to use If/Else, Case/Endcase to incorporate the standard logic with custom logic.
E.g. in our project, for a specific payment term we populate the field e_faedn using custom logic, and for rest we use the standard code as it is.