2015 Sep 28 1:24 PM
Hi All,
Kindly need your help that how to activate FQ events 1231-Biller Direct: Group Items for Display.
I have tried maintaining entry in TFKFBS also but still its not showing in FQEVENTS Tcode for 1231 event. I have attached the screenshot as well. Kindly help.
Nothing is showing in Standard Function Module column.
2015 Sep 28 2:29 PM
Hi Prince,
As per standard SAP functionality, the addtional functions is not activated for Event 1231.
The additional function specifies whether several function modules can be processed in this event or
a maximum of one.If the indicator is set, several function modules of the corresponding application area (industry component) and several customer-specific function modules can be processed.
You have to first go to SM30 and give the table as TFKFBM and click on the additional function tick for event 1231.
Then after that you will be able to add an entry in TFKFBS table.
Hope it helps..
2015 Sep 28 2:29 PM
Hi Prince,
As per standard SAP functionality, the addtional functions is not activated for Event 1231.
The additional function specifies whether several function modules can be processed in this event or
a maximum of one.If the indicator is set, several function modules of the corresponding application area (industry component) and several customer-specific function modules can be processed.
You have to first go to SM30 and give the table as TFKFBM and click on the additional function tick for event 1231.
Then after that you will be able to add an entry in TFKFBS table.
Hope it helps..
2015 Sep 28 4:47 PM
Doing that is not usually suggested. The application developer may have already coded to only use one returned value. In that case, maintain the customer function only.
2015 Sep 28 7:04 PM
Hi William,
We have a requirement to add standard FM for event 1231 as per below link.
I have added entry in table -TFKFBS, but its not reflecting on FQEvent-standard Function modules section.
In transaction FQEVENTS for event 1231(Biller Direct: Group Items for Display), the following IS-U function module has to be activated: ISU_GET_ITEMS_1231.
2015 Sep 28 8:54 PM
you can add it via SM30 to TFKFBS. You should maintain the correct value for APPLK similar to this
Perhaps you did not make the entry correctly? But the nocus flag should NOT be set - as it is shown above. And there should be no reason to adjust the TFKFBM entry.
2015 Sep 28 9:55 PM
Thanks William!
I maintained the FM- ISU_GET_ITEMS_1231 via SM30 to TFKFBS. But it does not reflect on FQEVENTS-1231 Standard Function module section. Is there any other step I am missing? Could you please suggest.
Please check below screen shot.
2015 Sep 29 3:11 PM
Sorry - i cannot think of a reason for this to occur. Look at other events which have TFKFBS entries and verify if you see them in FQEVENTS? Is there a difference between the entries?
2015 Sep 29 5:09 PM
Thanks William!
Somehow it did not work in Sandbox, but it worked in development server.
Thank you for your help!