2018 May 10 12:45 PM
Business requirement is to carry out (multiple) further receivable adjustments which have already been marked as doubtful and then reset thereinafter.
But currently after marking document fully and resetting system doesn't allow revised value adjustment citing error message Message No. >3724
Also I am looking for BAPI of FM for doing IVA on the fly. (meaning input will be OPBEL and Amount to be IVA and output should be to update requested changes).
So assist in resolving issue at hand.
2018 May 10 3:01 PM
Once you mark an item - then you can only change that item going forward. Meaning - item is marked, then to reset it you use the change correction function. Then to re-adjust it you also use the change correction function again.
2018 May 10 3:01 PM
Once you mark an item - then you can only change that item going forward. Meaning - item is marked, then to reset it you use the change correction function. Then to re-adjust it you also use the change correction function again.
2018 May 11 12:52 PM
Change correction function is not working once item is fully reset by giving error message >3 724.
For e.g. line item 1 having amount INR 100 marked as doubtful, subsequently it was reset. Now, if I again want to marked it as doubtful, it ain't allowing.
Thanks for your reply.
2018 May 16 3:02 PM
Hi Paresh,
Infact, I got the same error message >3724 when I tried to simulate your issue.
Not sure, if it depends on the IVA calculation type that you configure against the company code.
To be straight and simple, once you do the initial marking the entries are saved in DFKKZW table and subsequently on reset, the reset reason and the reset date are populated.
The next time, on triggering FPZW, in the standard include, LFKZWF01, there is a check on this, which is leading to this message->3724.
You can raise an OSS message for this.
With regards to your second question- I think the FM, FKK_DOUBTF_IVA_AMOUNT_GET, would cater your requirement.
2018 Jun 06 12:57 PM
Thanks Amlan for your extended support.
Would definitely explored given FM and revert.
2018 Jun 07 1:51 PM
I have tried exploring both possibilities, FM as well BAPI.
In FM - FKK_DOUBTF_IVA_AMOUNT_GET, even after putting commit work, it is not updating.
And in BDC, even after using CTU_Params (Options) in BDC recording, it is stopping abruptly on initial screen after passing document no.
So could you share any inputs for such behavior.