2010 Aug 16 12:55 PM
Dear All
Can anybody explain the Tcode FPO4
How to maintain the layout's
Thanks & Regards
2010 Aug 17 12:41 AM
Dear Pramod,
With transaction FPO4 you can cover several reports requirements that focus on posting made to DFKKOP, example customer line items. With this report you can build different preselecions (at mater data level, or document level, transaction FPSELP) and different layout variants (transaction FPSELP1).
To maintain the layouts you need to create an 'Open item line layout', then you will select the fields that are relevant for this specific variant. After you have selected the fields, you need to design the layout indicating hidden fields, sorting fields and if you need to indicate any subtotal or total.
Best regards.
2010 Aug 17 12:41 AM
Dear Pramod,
With transaction FPO4 you can cover several reports requirements that focus on posting made to DFKKOP, example customer line items. With this report you can build different preselecions (at mater data level, or document level, transaction FPSELP) and different layout variants (transaction FPSELP1).
To maintain the layouts you need to create an 'Open item line layout', then you will select the fields that are relevant for this specific variant. After you have selected the fields, you need to design the layout indicating hidden fields, sorting fields and if you need to indicate any subtotal or total.
Best regards.
2010 Aug 17 7:04 AM
Dear Cristobal.,
Thanks for your quick reply.
I am trying to Map Busniess Partner Ageing report.
I have maintained FPSELP & FPSELP1.
In output selection there is an option for Grid interval days. I had use with 30, 60, 90, 180, 365.
Output report does not showing grid intervals all the open items are in single selection row.
Please guide me more on Grid Intervals & how it will appers below format
Less than 30 days More than 30 & Less than 60 day
Contract Account No -
Is this possible in FPO4
Thanks for your support
2010 Aug 17 3:13 PM
In order for due date grid to appear, you need to select a totals field and one of more fields with sub-totals when you create your layout variant.
Hope this helps.
2010 Aug 19 9:16 AM
Dear Cristobal
Thanks for your suggesstion & explaination.
2019 Sep 27 10:48 PM
Good evening!
I need to generate some reports with this transaction, but since I have never used it I am looking for information or some manual before trying to generate any report. Will they have material, some manual or page where they can consult information about it? Send to: dmonreal@metrocis.com Thanks in advance.