2014 Jan 23 3:10 PM
Hi Friends,
With FPMA lauf the following error message has occured "
Posting to general ledger account 496320 D879 without tax code not permitted
Message no. >0014
The G/L account defined in Customizing for cash discount postings only permits postings with tax codes. In this particular case, cash discount was granted for an open item that does not have a tax code. Since there is no tax code for the open item, there is also no tax code for posting the cash discount.
System Response
The clearing document is not posted.
Procedure for System Administration
1. If you want to use the G/L account for postings to which no tax applies, select the indicator posting without tax allowed in the G/L account master record. Goto activity
2. If the system determined the wrong account, change the account determination in Customizing.
Choose Maintain entries.
But how to find that single item which was posted without a tax code ? In DFKKOP to hit the database where there are million records, is it advisable or any other ideas??
Regards and Thanks in advance !
2014 Jan 23 4:03 PM
Have you checked the application log? Either thru EMMA or the app log button in FPMA the error should be easy to find there - and will reference the partner/account being processed. From there you can find the items being processed and then retest with FP06.
2014 Jan 23 8:19 PM
HI Bill,
happy to c ur reply. My problem is half solved now;-)
i checked the application log of FPMA. There are 2 error messages and both have the same description as I quotated above and no info about the BP number
thanks in advance,
2014 Jan 24 7:13 AM
Hi ,
Run FPMA again , but before this run in the logs tab of FPMA , in settings for application log select problem class =additional information . After which you can find CA or BP in application log against error message .
2014 Jan 24 8:07 AM
Hi Santrupta pani,
My FPMA run has Problem class as Additional Information. Then in All messages I have selected the BP before the error message (Business Partner:-- the first line in the screenshot) and the BP after the error message and executed FPMA again. It ran successfully without any errors
So I am have no idea whhat is the culprit here. Any info or help is appreciated.
2014 Jan 24 8:32 AM
Hi ,
But i can still the error message marked in red , no account maintenance was carried out for the BP in the first line as suggested from the log , would suggest you to look into the BP and the document numbers mentioned , i believe you can find the doc that is missing the tax code .
2014 Jan 24 10:06 AM
Hi santruptapani,
Thanks for your quicke reply. I have looked into the Business partner and the document numbers. All of them have tax code. I even checked the document numbers in the interval 522 mentioned and all of them have tax numbers as well. I am not able to find out the reason behind this error.
2014 Jan 24 11:40 AM
Hi ,
You can test with FP06 for this single BP and look at what actually is the problem , you can tick on create proposal check box , and look which document is raising the error .
2014 Jan 24 1:35 PM
Tax code on the receivable documents is not your issue here. The problem document has account 123 in it. In your write off configuration, account 123 is written off to account 456. The issue is that 456 is not set up as expected. You need to either change account 456 settings or change configuration to point 123 to new account which does have correct settings.
2014 Jan 24 4:16 PM
Hi santrupta pani,
I did that, without any error it cleared the open items. No error has occured.
2014 Jan 24 4:40 PM
Hi Bill,
Thanks for your time and reply.
I have the following questions.
1. Will there be any write off process goes on during FPMA? (from statement account 123 is written off to 456)
2. I have looked into the documents and GL Account items behind them. I checked the config of these GL Accounts -1856669 and in FS00 - it says the posting without tax key is allowed and for the GL account-456320 from FPMA log. FS00 - Posting without tax key is allowed is unchecked and it has tax category as *. So I am expecting it will allow all tax types.
Please correct me if i am wrong.
Thanku very much. I will check once again. Please explain point 1 if u have time...
2014 Jan 24 9:23 PM
Sorry - mistyping, no write off.
Set a breakpoint in form STEUERKORREKTUR of function group FKB0 - see if that stops when executing FP06 or FPMA
2014 Jan 27 8:42 AM
Hi Bill,
Thanks for your time. As you have guessed, the FORM "STEUERKORREKTUR" was triggered during FPMA run.
I am still not able to figure out the reason behind this error. Any inputs on this will be appreciated.
2014 Jan 27 8:53 AM
Hi ,
I think both your G/L 1856669,456320 should have the same configuration wrt to posting with tax key .At least thats what your first post diagnosis says
"The G/L account defined in Customizing for cash discount postings only permits postings with tax codes. In this particular case, cash discount was granted for an open item that does not have a tax code. Since there is no tax code for the open item, there is also no tax code for posting the cash discount."
2014 Jan 27 9:37 AM
Hi Santrupthi,
Thanks for your reply. The diagnosis that I have mentioned above is from the FPMA error message.
1856669 - is the GL Account from the open items in CAX.
Tax Configuration:- FS00 -- Tax category -- All tax types are allowed.
Posting without tax is allowed.
456320 - is the GL Account from FPMA log error message. CAX account
Tax Configuration:- FS00 -- Tax category -- All tax types are allowed.
Posting without tax is NOT allowed.
2014 Jan 27 9:48 AM
yes, that's what i meant , the Diagnosis"which is a standard message from sap" says if open items that do not have tax code and if cash discounts are granted on such items , cash discount posted would not have any tax code , and ur g/l 456320 can only post if there is a tax key , so i believe this leads to the error message .
so i feel
Both your G/L 1856669,456320 should have the same configuration wrt to posting with tax key .either select posting with out tax allowed in both g/l or deselect in both.
would suggest to test the above in your testing server , and what transaction caused so in your production server .
2014 Jan 29 9:37 AM
Hi Santrupta pani,
Thanks for ur time. FPMA run is causing me the error.
456320- is the GL for Payment difference in CAX.
1856669:- is one of the GL Account for Invoice.
Strangely in Production there was no error while transferring FICA Total records to GL Ledger using tcode FPG1
Yesterday I tried to regenerate the same in SEQ.I have used the same article from the BP which causing the error. Paid 0,30€ less through payment lot assuming that will trigger the account 456320. But there were no errors with FPMA. Then I have transferred the payment through FPG1 and no error has occured.
Any help of inputs will be appreciated.
2014 Jan 29 10:16 AM
Hi ,
Are the G/L --456320 configurations same in Both Production and testing clients .
2014 Jan 29 11:38 AM
I appreciate ur patience. Yes, the config is same on both the systems.
2014 Jan 29 11:48 AM
Hi ,
could you check the recon keys of the payment lot and the account maintenance in TCODE FPF2 to see if actually Your G/L-456320 was hit in either of the process.And also check if the open items that were cleared by your payment contained tax code.
2014 Jan 29 12:28 PM
I have checked the reconcillation key and the net value of 0,30€ was posted on teh GL Account 456320 with a tax code. In FPL9 all the open items have have a tax code.
Is the FPMA Application log not showing us the right Businesss pratner?
2014 Jan 29 12:45 PM
There is something more strange to me. we were not able to trace it, Our supplier company has opened an OSS note. I have checked with my Taxation team adn we changed the settings in FS00 for this GL Account 456320, postings without tax allowed was checked. so that we can trace the exact document number which is causing this error.
we ran FPMA once again. Here it is, 10 Jobs only 9 completed. But in Application log there were no error messages.
2014 Jan 29 4:16 PM
2014 Jan 29 8:52 PM
Unfortunately, the applog for FPMA does not set errors into the error category.
2014 Jan 30 8:24 AM
Hi Santrupta pani,
Good Morning:-)
We have lokked into the tcode FBL3N after the change of config-Posting without tax code is allowed and FPMA run. There were no documents in the GL 456320 without tax code.
secondly as you have suggested I have looked into SM37. "Give a valid payment lock" and the termination occured in ABAP Program SAPLFKBO and on "PROCESS_WITHOUT_MESSAGE".
Please share your thoughts..
2014 Jan 30 9:51 AM
Hi ,
For the error dump please go through the sap note number- 1879641 and the related notes mentioned in this note, may be it will solve your issue . seems to be authorization issue.
As far as your tax posting g/l is concerned , just wanted you to test if we can recreate the error in testing server , My thought was that may be we are calculating payment difference on open line items that have no tax code in them so when G/L posting happens it gives error as posting is not allowed with out tax code . so in your testing server in G/L 456320 deactivate posting without tax , and try to do account maintenance,with line items
1) having tax code
2) not having tax code .
unless you can recreate the error in testing server , finding a solution will be difficult.
2014 Jan 30 10:15 AM
Hi Santrupta pani,
I have looked into it and in this note 1879641 - Various FI-CA transactions: Dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X SAPLFKB0 >0 361 >0 428
but my message was
1879641 - Various FI-CA transactions: Dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X SAPLFKB0 >0 361 >0 421
and the user has SAP_ALL rights.
Thanks for ur efforts:-)
2014 Jan 30 2:16 PM
2014 Feb 06 3:22 PM