2013 Oct 07 2:03 PM
Hallo everybody,
FPMA transaction for automatic mass clearing is not filling the print container automatically... I have posted a document in the FPMA - automatic clearing transaction and tried to print the form FI_CA_DOCUMENT_SAMPLE_SF in the TC FPCOPARA - mass printing but there was nothing found to be printed.
FPCOPARA was started with the correct date and identification from the FPMA transaction.
What is the best way to get the in FPMA created documents to be printed?
So far it is clear we need to develop a new application form, but how to get the container filled?
Thank you all
2013 Oct 07 10:46 PM
this is not a standard functionality, hence it does not work as you want.
You could use event 30 since it is called for every document creation. then you would need to supply a function which identifies the right data and populates the correspondence container. Look at the logic in event 717 or 713 for pointer on how to fill the container.
2013 Oct 10 1:46 PM
Hi William,
in the Event 30 are no sufficient data to fill the container. There is only the table FKKKO and inside it is only the document Number...
The events 10 and 20 have no document number, that means also not everything needed.
Is there any other Event called in the FP06 or FPMA?
Thank you in advance.
2013 Oct 08 6:44 AM
Hi ,
I think you can tweak the account statement or account information correspondence type 02,13 in fpcopara to suit your needs , unless you are already using both of them already.
I believe in both these correspondence , you can find both open and cleared items for a CA . you can exclude the open items from the print out , and use the cleared items by fixing cleared date = "run date" , clearing reason = "15" , because both clearing date and reason are available in these forms .
All though you have to care for run times of FPCOPARA , as this process could take a long time.