2012 Aug 13 6:35 AM
I have requirement in which I need to create a screen which displays latest entries of FPL9 in with all cosmetics like color, traffic lights etc.
Is there any FM / Program which can create this type of list directly or is custom ALV list to be created.
If I want to create it manually then what will be the logic to arrange entries fetched from DFKKOP, DFKKKO, DFKKOPK?
Thanks in advance.
2013 Sep 20 3:08 PM
2012 Aug 13 7:27 AM
2013 Sep 20 3:08 PM
2013 Sep 23 5:46 AM
Hi Murtuza,
U can use the FM FKK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_COMPUTE and use the field AMPEL for traffic light.
2015 Apr 15 10:29 AM