2017 Oct 18 10:21 PM
Hello All,
We are running the Def Revenue process via FPDR.
Process runs well as desired.
However we have few custom fields in table DFKKOPK.
I am trying to see if there is any way I can populate these fields.
I do not see any event available where I can manipulate the data.
Appreciate your help.
2017 Oct 19 10:25 AM
Hi Sachin,
Have you checked event 0010 and FM FKK_DEFREV_0010?
This FM, triggers the update for deferred revenues.
2017 Oct 19 3:56 PM
Amlan, We did implement event 10. Also 30 and 1140,1141.
These events are called when we prepare the data update the FKKDEFREV tables. I am able to update the Z fields in FKKDEFREV.
But when FPDR is executed, it reads data from FKKDEFREV and do the posting where it updates DFKKOPK. I need to push the data here to the Z fields.
Hope I am able to explain the situation.
2017 Oct 24 9:43 AM
I got your point.
The posting that happens during FPDR is triggered by the FM,FKK_DEFREV_TRANSFER, which is called in the event 1753 (FKK_SAMPLE_1753_VKONT2)
In the FM,FKK_DEFREV_TRANSFER, the structures, i_fkkko and t_fkkopk are populated and passed into the FM, FKK_CREATE_DOC_MASS, which creates the document.
Check for event 1108, where you can do substitutions,in fkkopk structure OR the last option is to do an implicit enhancement in FKK_CREATE_DOC_MASS.