2012 Jul 24 7:30 AM
hi dear gurus ..
i want to run for all out going payments transaction for a print. what would be the prerequisites for do this thing.
and where could i get list of all out going payments for a selection base..
2012 Jul 24 8:08 AM
Outgoing payments transactions in SAP FI-CA mainly comprises of refunds.
Though there is no such standard transaction to reprot them, you can develop a custom refund report with the following fields as input criterion-
Refund issue date
Company Code
Payment Method
You will find all the refund related transactions in table DPAYH.
Hope it helps.
2012 Jul 24 8:08 AM
Outgoing payments transactions in SAP FI-CA mainly comprises of refunds.
Though there is no such standard transaction to reprot them, you can develop a custom refund report with the following fields as input criterion-
Refund issue date
Company Code
Payment Method
You will find all the refund related transactions in table DPAYH.
Hope it helps.
2012 Jul 24 8:16 AM
thanks dear amlan..
for fpcopara can u explain how i have to move out for printing the payment documents
2012 Jul 24 8:36 AM
I am bit unclear on your requirement with the printing of the payment transactions through FPCOPARA.
In a normal scenario, after the refund run though FPY1 is completed, a payment medium job runs which collates all the refunds that have happened and creates a file containing the same, which is sent to payment agencies like bank either to credit the customer account (if refund method is Bank Transfer) or issue cheques (if the refund method is cheque).
If you requirment is generate the list of the payment transactions only, you can do it easily from the custom report, you don't need FPCOPARA for the purpose.
However, if your requirement is to generate a refund letter that will be send to the customer, then you can use a correspondence type and plug in an application form for the same.
If you have some other requirment, please let me know.
2012 Jul 24 4:19 PM
you can print the list of items generated by the payment program for your outgoing payments by going to the payment run for your outgoing payments. then click at the top into the environment menu.
there you will find in the dropdown 'payment list'. Click on this and make the selection of items according to what you would like to output and print. once it is generated on the screen you can send it to print.
if you need it automated then your development team can do the same. I hope you found this response helpful and/or correct.