2014 Apr 06 10:27 AM
Hello Everyone,
My question is can we create payment lot after loading Manual Bank Statement(FF67).
2014 Apr 07 7:10 AM
Hi Imitiyaz,
Transaction code-FF67 (Manual bank statement) is used to enter the bank statement data manually via dynpro. Moreover, since it contains no front end controls so it can be called via batch. You need to develop a custom program to cater the requirement.
You can create a program which creates batch input sessions for transaction FF67. Use transaction SHDB to record the transaction in order to see program, dynpro and field names.
Hope it helps...
2014 Apr 07 11:14 PM
Hi Imitiyaz,
You can create a program which creates which loads manual bank statement transaction FF67
after that you need to call program in same report which create payment/return/payment order/check lot(Program rfkkka00).
hope you find it helpful.