2014 Jul 11 5:34 PM
I created a payment lot (FP05) with many items. After closing and posting it, one of these items is not posted. After analyzing, I found that this item was created by mistake. How can I remove this one from this payment lot? or how this item will be invalid?.
Best regards and many thanks for your help.
2014 Jul 13 1:50 PM
Hi Said.
If you want to keep the same payment lot, then you can use the post online functionaly and post the item into the bank clearing account:
- start FP05, enter the payment lot ID, display it, select the item you want to clarify and choose "clarify"
- select option "post online"
- the false item should be visible in the view - now enter another item with all the same data, except for the negative amount
- post it
In general, I dont think you can remove an item from payment lot after its being posted. Another possibility is reversing the reconciliation key for that payment lot (using FP08M), and using another posting lot without the payment entered by mistake.
2014 Jul 14 9:09 AM
Hi Said
If you want to correct the payment line in the payment lot, you can use the payment clarification(txn FPCPL ) and then post it directly.
However if the payment line item is totally invalid and you do not need it, then it will stay in the clariifcation worklist. It is not possible to delete a line from a payment lot which has been closed and payment postings has been scheduled. Moreover there would be no financial impact if the item stays in the clarification worklist as invalid payment.