2010 Jun 21 2:39 PM
Hi experts
We are getting runtime error SAPSQLARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC_ while posting payments. We enter 500 items in the payment lot and when we select post payment lot 450 items were posted, 50 items not posted. None of the items (un posted 50 items) gone to clarification.
When we checked the ST22 and find the problem at below statement
Pl help me.
2010 Jun 21 4:12 PM
Hi Srinivas,
This short dump happens when the system tried to insert data into database table but the key is already exist or duplicate in the internal table.
The solution may be vary accoring to the root cause of the problem,
1) If it happen in QAS or DEV, it may be because some data has been copied from production and the key already exist in database table, you need to change the number range object for this.
2) Check the posting and user exits whether there is any duplicate in the posting or any logic to make it duplicates. Fix the posting or change the program logic for this problem.
3) Check OSS Note for this message. If you apply all the note and the problem still persists. Contact SAP Support to solve the problem.