2010 Jun 21 12:52 PM
My requirement is to create a device/meter programmatically and update 'Z' custom fields in table EQUI include CI_EQUI in the table.
I have two requirements
1. How to create equipment or any FM to create equipment (as we make it in IQ01, I have to do it do it programmatically)
2. Is there any FM to update custom fields (structure CI_EQUI)
Help me if anyone has worked on similar requirement or have any knowledge on this.
2016 May 06 4:28 AM
Just in case anybody else finds this thread.
SAP have addressed the issue. See note http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/2146575
2010 Jun 21 1:17 PM
Here are some suggestions which hopefully will be of use to you...
1. Function module BAPI_EQUI_CREATE
This module is used for creating a new piece of equipment
2. Customer-specific fields of the CI_EQUI enhancement are changed by the
user exit EXIT_SAPLIE01_005.
3. Enhancement ITOB0001
This customer enhancement enables you to enter additional master data
for technical objects such as equipment, serial numbers, and functional
locations. For this purpose, you can use transaction CMOD to generate one of the
include subscreens assigned to the customer enhancement, which then
appears on the tab for "Other data" (screen 1080 in function group ITO0).
2010 Jun 22 5:17 AM
Hi Olivia, Thanks for your reply.
But, I had already found FM BAPI_EQUI_CREATE but did not help me in updating custom fields am not sure if this FM helps in updating the custom fields, because I did not find any solution.
The exits that you have mentioned in for online update. My requirement in to update through my custom development (not through standard transaction).
In anyone gets more detail on this please could you share.
2014 Aug 21 1:00 PM
I am facing the same issue. I have custom fields in EQUI table (CI_EQUI). I know we can use customer exists to update these custom fields.
However, I want to update these fields from a custom report. In specific, is there a BAPI that we can use to udpate fields of EQUI table?
2014 Aug 21 1:55 PM
Did you look at the other functions in the group?!? Did you use transaction BAPI?!
2014 Aug 22 4:56 AM
William - Thank you for your reply. I found two BAPIs by using transaction BAPI-BAPI_EQMT_MODIFY & BAPI_EQUI_CHANGE. However, I do not think these are capable of updating any custom fields in CI_EQUI. Also, nothing useful in the function group as well.
2014 Aug 22 1:18 PM
have a similiar requirement
want to create equipment number and also update my custom fields.
any suggestions please.
2014 Aug 22 6:40 PM
Hi Makarand ,
Inside BAPI_EQUI_CHANGE , parameter DATA_GENERAL , do you see your custom fields ? Normally ,BAPI_ITOB has same custom fields as in EQUI (like they have same customer include fields).
Also, did you set corresponding DATA_GENERALX for the fields which you wish to change before running this FM ?
Please let poltu know if you are able to update these fields using parameter DATA_GENERAL of BAPI_EQUI_CHANGE.
2014 Aug 25 8:33 AM
Hi AM,
The BAPI_itob is not having my custom fields.
I also tried creating a standalone FM using Equipment_save.
But it shows abend message.
* I_HANDLE = 'X'
i_matnr = lv_matnr
i_sernr = lv_sernr_inp
not_successful = 1
others = 2.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here
lw_equi_new = lw_equi.
id_objnr = lw_equi-objnr
id_level = 'V'
call function 'DEQUEUE_ALL'
_synchron = 'X'
ls_itob_object-datab = sy-datum."valid_date.
append ls_itob_object to lt_itob_object.
call function 'EQUIPMENT_SAVE'
i_activity_type = 'V' "V - Update, H - Insert
i_itob_type = '02' "02 - Equipment, 03 - Serial
i_equi_old = lw_equi
i_no_data_check = 'X'
i_sync_asset = 'X'
i_success_message = 'X'
i_commit_work = 'X'
c_equi_rec = lw_equi_new
* c_eqbs_rec = lw_eqbs_new
err_data_check = 1
others = 2.
This shows "Internal error in buffer management for technical objects"
not able to recify this.
2014 Aug 26 2:34 PM
2014 Sep 02 7:09 AM
Hi Riyas,
That FM is not having the custom fields.
Anyways I have solved the issue.
We can update the custom fileds added using
for single or multiple lines
2016 May 06 4:28 AM
Just in case anybody else finds this thread.
SAP have addressed the issue. See note http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/2146575