2011 Jan 23 5:55 PM
Hi All,
During running of EA19 the u2018oldu2019 BBP plan gets closed while a new one is being created. The amount to be paid on the invoice is the sum of costs of the billing period + BBP term. Normally only 1 BBP term is present on the invoice.
However, I am having cases where all the BP's have the 1st 2 terms of the BBP included on the invoice. (I suspect this has something to do with the timing of invoicing)
I have a few Business partners where I am invoicing them through EA19. All of them have a yearly Budget Billing Plan active till say 20.01.2011.
The new BBPlan has start date as 21.01.2011 say and due date of 1 st term as 28.02.2011, due date of 2nd term 28.03.2011 and so on.
When I invoice today (20.01.2011) and I give booking date and posting date as 01.02.2011 (< 12.02.2011) then only 1st term is picked (normal scenario) i.e. the one with due date 28.02.2011
When I invoice today and I give booking date and posting date as 15.02.2011 ( > or = 12.02.2011) then only 2 terms are picked [weird scenario] in EA19 i.e. the ones with due date 28.02.2011 and 28.03.2011.
This has something to do with the posting date/ document date that we give while invoicing through EA19. I want to know where and how this setting is maintained like, if posting date is X (or < X) days from today, then pick only first term of BBP else pick first two terms of BBP.
Thanks in advance.
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance,
Prajakt Dhumal.
2011 Feb 01 4:46 PM
Hi Experts,
I am stuck at the following point -
The question is
-What is the relationship between system date and whether or not a line of the BBP is cleared with the periodic bill?
-The SOLLDAT is changed into the bookdate when they fall in the same month. When this happens, what is the consequence relationship between system date and SOLLDAT?
Many Thanks,
Prajakt Dhumal
2011 Feb 01 8:34 PM
The setting to pick up items is in SPRO (see below)
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide
-->SAP Utilities
-->Invoice Processing
-->Item Selection in Invoicing
-->Item Selection in Account Maintenance/ Define Sub-Items
-->Item Selection for Account Maintenance
-->Item Selection for Bill Printout (Subitems)
The number of days is entered here.