2010 Nov 10 7:44 AM
I need some advice if it is possible "somewhere" in the System (FI-CA) to customize the filling of the billed quantity into FI-CA document. Table DFKKOPK (G/L Account Items in Open Item Account Document) field MENGE - Quantity.
Is this functionality in SAP standard processing or should I use some Event (for example 0061 - Posting: Check Complete Document, Set Customer Fields) to fill out this field.
Thanks for help
2010 Nov 10 1:54 PM
Hello Vlado,
there is no special activities necessary to transfer the quantity from DBERDTAX-MENGE to DFKKOP-MENGE.
Please check the
event R413,
Field status group XXX for the G/L account, that the field Quantity is possible ( => 'X' Req. entry) and
Best regards.
2010 Nov 23 1:55 PM