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FICA Payment Lot in Status "Direct Posting Stopped", Need close recon key

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello experts,

During the posting of a payment lot, the session terminated with a runtime error. This left the payment lot in a status of '8 - Direct posting stopped'. Part of the items were successfully posted on the accounts. We created a new payment lot for the payments that were not posted and were able to successfully process it.

Now, the system is not allowing any changes to the payment lot because of its current status. We want to close and transfer the recon key to the GL. The recon key cannot be closed because the lot is not completely posted. Is there a way we can transfer the payment information to the GL?

Thanks for your time and help.



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Prashant,

I have also faced this issue in past.

You can follow either of the below two options -

Option 1 -

Reverse the reconciliation key and all the documents associated with it. You can use the transaction FP08M. Once done, create the payment lot afresh.

Option 2 -

Rerun the program RFKKZE02 (post payment lot) with the identification ID you used in the RFKKZE00. It should complete the job.

Either way, the new reconciliation key will be closed once the payment lot is posted and you can run FPG1 to transfer to GL.



View solution in original post


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Prashant,

I have also faced this issue in past.

You can follow either of the below two options -

Option 1 -

Reverse the reconciliation key and all the documents associated with it. You can use the transaction FP08M. Once done, create the payment lot afresh.

Option 2 -

Rerun the program RFKKZE02 (post payment lot) with the identification ID you used in the RFKKZE00. It should complete the job.

Either way, the new reconciliation key will be closed once the payment lot is posted and you can run FPG1 to transfer to GL.



0 Kudos

Thanks for your input Bodhisattwa. The payment lot in question has some line items that have not been posted. These payments were manually posted by using another payment lot. So its something like this.

AccountAmtPayment Doc Posted
3333333333300Not Posted
4444444444400Not Posted

Items 3 and 4 have been posted via another payment lot. So if I use  RFKKZE02, will try to post items 3 and 4 again? I could potentially have duplicate postings. I guess I can always reverse them if that is the case.

Unfortunately I cannot replicate the scenario in our test environment so I cannot try out what will happen.

Thanks again for your help.



0 Kudos

Hi Prashant,

If the other payment lot has only those two items, you can reverse them and process this one with RFKKZE02.

Or, you can reverse the payment document numbers created for 111111 and 222222. And, create a fresh excluding 333333 and 444444.

It's up to the number of accounts and ease of processing as which approach you would like to have.



0 Kudos

Thanks Bodhi. We are going to put posting locks on the accounts and post the lot. This should hopefully allow the lot to be posted, sending items to clarification. We want to avoid posting of duplicate payments and subsequent reversals. The plan is to then to do a transfer posting to another GL for the items in clarification.

0 Kudos


I faced the situation few days back where in the payments were received through External Cash Desk.

I tried to reverse the documents/reco key but the system gave an error that the reversal should be done through the external cash desk only.

I then tried to repost the items. All the items were posted and the reco key was closed after assigning a new Key for the payment lot.

I hope the above experience may help. Please ensure that all roles are in place before reposting the payment lot using FP05

