2014 Dec 11 3:01 PM
Hello , export
Only FICA model were applied in our project with small part FI model like GL, the issue is my SME require us to replace or connect the whole BP/CA data to AR/AP for outgoing payment run with specific media program of Country... do anyone know how to handle the connection ? only create BP role with Customer / Vendor is ok? however , I 'd think to copy specific format of Media would be better way than replace whole data to AP/AR ..
Can anyone give me advise ? thank !
Mary Lee
2014 Dec 12 3:46 PM
Hi Mary.
I had a similar task and I did it just using FI-CA.
I created new payment method for outgoing payments and I coppied the DME file that was used on F110. Then, when running FPY1, I restrict the payments to that repayment method only and create payment medium file using SE38 + SAPFKPY3.
Maybe this document can give you some starting points for this kind of solution:
2014 Dec 12 12:17 PM
Hi Mary,
By outgoing payments, I guess you are referring to customer refunds which you want to pay from FI, by using the F110 payment run.
The best practice would be to create a one-time vendor in FI and route all the customer refunds generating out from FPY1 run from ISU to that particular one-time vendor.
So in FI, there would be accounting documents getting posted against the One-time vendor account.
Once the F110 run is executed for this vendor account, it will post a payment document and will clear the outstanding customer refunds, and then you can create a flat file and send it to the bank.
Hope it helps..
2014 Dec 12 3:38 PM
Thanks Amlan !
You mean we can create one one-time vendor to hold all customer refund,right? ( we have 1M customer actually ) and this one-time vender could be re-used for each month, right?
Another question is after FPYI run how to generating refund to this one-time vender?
thanks in advance !
2014 Dec 12 3:46 PM
Hi Mary.
I had a similar task and I did it just using FI-CA.
I created new payment method for outgoing payments and I coppied the DME file that was used on F110. Then, when running FPY1, I restrict the payments to that repayment method only and create payment medium file using SE38 + SAPFKPY3.
Maybe this document can give you some starting points for this kind of solution:
2014 Dec 12 3:58 PM
Hi Marko,
Thank you for sharing .! hope I can take this way to build a new DME file to meet Country specification .
Another question , do you have idea about down payment in FICA model?
2014 Dec 12 4:23 PM
Glad it helps!
Regarding downpayments, you can consider integration with SD. In case youre going that way, you should check the main/sub transactions 3000/0010 and posting areas R050 (document type for down payments), R060 (document type and clearin reason for clearing down payments) and 1010 (link between statistical key, main transactions and sub transactions). Also, you will need the clearing restriction 5 (Down payment from SD).
As another point of view, if you need nothing beside registering payment on account, then you can use that in combination with clearing lock.
Unfortunately I dont have any cookbook on this topic at the moment.
2014 Dec 13 8:26 AM
Hi Marko,
I am think of apply down payment without integration SD since we have no SD consultant in project. however I have tried post documents in normal FICA way but not work there .. . does it must integrate with other model?
2014 Dec 13 9:09 AM
Hi Marko,
I found that I have no access to create new DME or change any exiting DME , do you know why?
have good weekend!
2014 Dec 14 2:34 PM
Hi Mary.
Please check your login language and access rights. DMEE tree/format type can only modified in the language it was created. Whats the exact error you get when you try to change existing format or add a new one?