2013 Feb 11 10:11 AM
Hi gurus,
I have some isuues with the calculation of the interest on original items with rate plan payed with delay in transaction FPINTM1.
I have a rate plan whose rates are paid with delay. In transaction FPR3, I can calculate interest by clicking "Update Interest Document" button. So, the system generates an interest document over the original documents considering the delay of rates payment.
If I use massive transaction FPINTM1, the intererest documents are not generated.
By debbugging transactions, I found that the origin of these different system behaviours.
FPR3 calls FM FKK_INSTPLAN_INTEREST_ACTUAL; in the internal table "U_FKKOP" the original documents items have the field ABWBL NOT filled before that form "CHECK_ITEMS" is performmed. So, in the form "CHECK_SUBSTITUTE" the items are NOT locked for the interest calculation.
FPINTM1 instead calls FM FKK_GNRLITEM_POST_INTEREST_DOC. In internal table "U_FKKOP" the original documents items have the field ABWBL filled that form "CHECK_ITEMS" is performmed. So, in the form "CHECK_SUBSTITUTE" the items are locked for interest calculation.
I would like to calculate the interest using massive transaction FPINTM1.
Can someone help me, please?
2013 Feb 12 1:16 AM
Hi Roberta,
If you want to calculate the interest on the original receivables of the Instalament plan amount through transaction FPINTM1, you have to activate posting area 1084.
In there, you have to set the indicator for Int. Inst. Plan, which basically performs the following functionality-
Installment plan items are checked during clearing and if necessary, the original items that the system assigns to the cleared installments on the grounds of the settings in clearing control are subject to interest.
However, please be adviced that setting this indicator can deactivate the interest calculation function in installment plan transactions.
Hope it helps...
2013 Feb 12 1:16 AM
Hi Roberta,
If you want to calculate the interest on the original receivables of the Instalament plan amount through transaction FPINTM1, you have to activate posting area 1084.
In there, you have to set the indicator for Int. Inst. Plan, which basically performs the following functionality-
Installment plan items are checked during clearing and if necessary, the original items that the system assigns to the cleared installments on the grounds of the settings in clearing control are subject to interest.
However, please be adviced that setting this indicator can deactivate the interest calculation function in installment plan transactions.
Hope it helps...