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Facts permissible Rate maintained at register type Rate type ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

I just entered a new project as a billing functional, like you guys must have done started looking at the system out of curiosity. The first random Rate Category i opened, i found a register permissible rate type having facts permissible rate maintained to it and other register type rates. In my earlier project, this was a big no. Register type rate types had register type rates and facts type rate type had facts permissible rates. So is this a bad convention to have facts permissible rates in register permissible rate types ? Has this been done by some inexperienced person ? or is this the convention in other projects also that i am unaware of ? Thanks is advance for your help!


Active Contributor

"Has this been done by some inexperienced person? Or is this the convention in other projects also that i am unaware of?"

Aren't these questions you should raise within the Project-Team or at the Customer-Project members?

0 Kudos

Yes you are right, but still i have 2 weeks before i will reach the destination of my new project and meet the team members there. i have just got the access to the new system not been introduced to anyone. So its better to ask a question here, then for me to wait 2 weeks. And we are here to help each other, i myself always try to ans questions here. The reason people ask questions here are, because they dont get their answers on the internet or any other source. And what ever you wrote, you should write in Comments, and not in the answer.

0 Kudos

Well if you would want me to Comment, I'll do that : If it was a big No in your previous Project, did you bother to ask why? That would possibly provide an Answer as to it being a 'Requirement' during the specific Project or as a 'Rule of Thumb' in general ...

Personally I would also think you would want to keep things as 'transparant' as possible, so Mixing things up - however possible - is probably not the best choice ...

I see nothing in SAP KBA's / ISU Cookbook or SAP Wiki as a general Recommendation and I would also be interested in some kind of a Solution Brief or a General Recommendation ... What specific sector is this Project in? I know there are some older Best Practices - Documents out there (for instance : "Best Practices for Water Utilities") ...

See SAP-Help with regard to Best Practises for Utilities and there is a useful SAP Wiki with regard to Utlities Billing Master Data in general and the Rate Type specifically ...

I did not find anything in particular in the (new) SAP Best Practices Explorer, but I hope you find the above useful ...

Kind regards

Nic T.