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External Number Assignment to Regional Political Structure

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Is it possible / how to go for an external number range in Maintain Elements in Regional Political Structure.

We have both internal and external number range assignment in spro, however, while creating the elements there is no such option for external number range and the system is automatically assigning internal number range to the elements.



Edited by: Saurabh Sinha on Mar 24, 2011 6:45 AM


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Saurabh,

For maintaining an external number range for political regional structure, goto the following path in SPRO:

SAP Utilities -> Basic Functions ->Regional Structure -> Political Regional Structure -> Define Number range.

Define a number range here and tick the check box of Ext. This will enable you to give your own number range.


Richa Tyagi

0 Kudos

Hi Richa,

Thanks for the inputs...

As mentioned in my query we have both internal and external number ranges defined in SPRO for Regional Political Structure, still the system is not giving any option for External Number Range.

Can you please confirm, if you have tried using external number range in any of your assignments for Political Structure.

