2013 Oct 03 10:13 AM
I got requirement that in certain circumstances (e.g. natural calamities); all PODs of certain area should not be selected in dunning proposal.
All PODs which need to be exempted from dunning will have same prefix. So we can say all PODs starting with some particular prefix should be excluded in dunning proposal so dunning would not occur for those PODs.
What I expect is if there is any standard configuration for this type of behavior or not.
If this cannot be done through configuration, what would be best place and custom logic to achieve this functionality?
As this functionality will not be used so frequently, I think this functionality should be designed such as so it can be activated on demand so it would not disturb everyday’s dunning.
Please suggest your views.
2013 Oct 25 8:01 AM
This requirement will be accomplished by apply limited period dunning lock for all Contract accounts linked to PODs with particular prefix.
Transaction FKKLOCK2.
2013 Oct 25 8:01 AM
This requirement will be accomplished by apply limited period dunning lock for all Contract accounts linked to PODs with particular prefix.
Transaction FKKLOCK2.