2016 Jan 26 3:28 AM
Hi friends,
Hope you all had a great new year time.
while doing estimation, reads are recording as zero for new installation, or whatever is previous reads.
Please advise.
2016 Jan 26 3:35 AM
just want to add more information.
I have done all setting like - general weighting key - 05 in rate(operand) and in register group,
minimum portion% - 100% in rate, previous period - in installation, periodic consumption as 3300 ,but its recording read as zero
2016 Jan 26 2:52 PM
Hi Veer,
There could be standard genuine reason(s) why the estimation is zero, please check for any customer exits during your estimation process. It also depends on your Installation structure and estimation scenario.
Also, I suggest you to debug your estimation process, place break-point beginning and end of the function module ISU_REGISTER_EXTRAPOLATION - at the end check for values in Export parameters:
These values will give you more insight on how the estimation is calculated and then tells you whether its based on MR History or Periodic Consumption or from customer user-exit.
2016 Jan 27 8:26 AM
Hi Veer,
put weighting procedure as "Linear weighting" & then try , also check your installation is not in the disconnection state for the date your are estimating.
2016 Jan 29 6:18 PM
Hi Srini,
Please accept my apologies for delay,
The reason of delay is I am not so great in Debugging so all these days I was learning and drilling
down the tips and tricks of debugging, finally came with the result( Please see the above screen shot) as advised by you.
I am not sure that I did it correctly or not, please guide me below are steps that I had followed for above debugging.
1- In se 37, put the FM suggested by you, click display, select first line and set break point.
2- then in Tcode EL28 put installation - select first blank MRO - put /H in command - estimate the read and before save hit the enter and it landed me in debugging screen in the FM wherein I had set the break points.
3- execute it one by one(using f5) in Desktop3 and double click the field suggest by you.
Please correct me if I have done it wrong and what is the meaning of these output value.
2016 Jan 29 6:27 PM
Hi Manoj,
I have already done testing with these changes but same result.
2016 Jan 29 8:17 PM
Hi Veer,
Thanks for sharing the screen-shot. Can you also place the break-point at the end of the FM i.e. last statement before ENDFUNCTION and execute EL28 until that point to see those export parameters I mentioned. Please remember that this FM calls recursively so you might get this break-point multiple times depending on the installation structure, observe the parameters each time.
Are you getting this zero estimation for all the installations? in your example Installation have you checked for any Disconnection Periods?
2016 Feb 03 3:15 AM
Hi Srini,
Please find above screenshot this is taken after putting break point in the starting and end point of FM.
Request you to please check suggest.
2016 Feb 03 9:07 AM
Hi Veer,
Thanks for this, as you can clearly see that the estimation was based on MR History because the parameter Y_COMP_BY_EABL = 'X' and also the estimation was carried out for only one day 01.01.2015 (
Y_BEGIN_PROGINTERVALL and Y_ENDE_PROGINTERVALL are same date) - this is the root cause of why you getting estimation as zero I believe.
Can you check your MR History for this Device from EL31? Also please check the date you mentioned in EL28 for estimation and the previous read/installation date?
2016 Jan 27 9:55 AM
Hi Veer,
There must be some pop up screen error, while you press estimation button using EL28, could you please share it and also can you please let me know the Installation date (with MR Reason 21) and the previous read date.
It will be great if you can show the meter read history display using EL31 t-code
2016 Jan 29 6:24 PM
Hi Mohd,
No Pop up or error message is coming during estimation.
Installation read is - zero and this is the only read as new connection(new installation)
2016 Feb 01 5:45 AM
Hi Veer,
Since this is only for new installations, could be a possibility that this has something to do with period consumption. Is the period consumption maintained as 0 ?
You could also possibly explore in this dimension as well.
Monis Shakeel
2016 Feb 03 3:29 AM
2016 Feb 16 5:04 AM
Hi All,
The issue has been fixed.
Thanks for all your support and effort.
2016 Feb 16 8:30 AM