2011 Oct 07 7:27 AM
Dear Experts,
I have some customers, for those current estimated reading (03) is showing as same as last actual reading.
scenario is like follow:
01.06.2011 actucal reading (01) is 105 units
01.08.2011 automatic reading (03) is also coming as same as 105 units.
and the period consumption maintained at reg level is 14 units for 30 days.
any body have idea on this, please,
it would be more appreciable
2011 Oct 07 7:20 PM
What type of estimation method are you using and some times based on rounding that happens and also previous meter reads the scenario you mentioned can happen.
2011 Oct 10 6:06 AM
Hi Vr,
Thank you for reply, could please explain in detail, we are using based on previous period .
2011 Oct 11 3:50 PM
I think you might be aware that there are various weighting methods for estimations, degree day , linear, general and customer specific.
First determine the method you are using and then try to debug the programs on estimation with the help of ABAPer and then you should be able to figure out.
I did faced similar situation as you specified but after debugging the programs we found that some of our estimation logic needs to be changed.