2011 Feb 15 1:54 PM
We had some questions regarding Escheatment process.
1. What is the process of voiding a check. If a check gets void does it go back on customers account as a credit item.
2. If a check gets void would it still be picked up by the Escheatment process?
3. How can credits that have not been issued a check on the customers account, be escheated?
2011 Feb 15 5:39 PM
Hi Yuvi,
1. Escheatment is a multi step process to void the checks fitst execute FPCHESCH_START , it will basically selects all the checks that needs to be escheated and updates the information, Once you execute FPCHESCH_ESCH the check gets void and the item posts as a credit on the state government contract account. You need to specify the concerned organisation ( business partner and contract account ) in the configuration to receive the void check.
2. Only open checks which are not cashed by more than specified number of days or years in the configuration will be picked.