2013 Oct 16 6:29 AM
Hello ,
I am receving error messge " G/L account 123 block for posting for company code xxxx " while posting records to G/L using FPG1.
However when i check the items under the reconcilation key , I couldn't find any items for the G/L account 123 ,but still error is given.
Has any one face simialr issue before ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
With Regards,
2013 Oct 16 5:26 PM
you might have fi substitution rules in place - which incidentally should not be used with FICA. The right answer is to unlock the account and then see what posts. You could reverse it later if necessary.
2013 Oct 21 7:25 AM
Dear Haresh Lathia,
The particular GL has blocked in FI t.code FS00. so please unblock the GL through FS00 and check the same.