2016 Mar 15 12:50 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to device replacement with FMs ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL_PROVIDE and ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL. I'm thinking to call this FM with the right inputs. The device which is removal have 3 registers and the device which is installation have 5 registers. The system can not allocate a logical register number for new device. Then it give me a error 'Rate data is no longer consistent' ( EN 470 ).
Note ' 1970759 ' says you can implement your custom logic to determine a valid LOGIKZW in exit EXIT_SAPLEG60_001. But i couldn't find how can i determine a valid LOGIKZW in this user-exit.
Can anyone help me ?
2016 Mar 15 1:50 PM
Hi Okan,
You are using the right FMs to perform Device Replacement and I believe when you are assigning X_ACTION = '03' in both of your FMs.
In the KBA Note 1970759, SAP has specified 4 resolutions have you checked first three resolution, particularly point 1 and 2?
According to point 1, you have to defined any default values for allocation of logical registers during logical register maintenance and replacement?
This will allow SAP to ignore those fields on Old and New Devices during Device Replacement.
Before getting into coding, please try from transaction EG30 for your example scenario (3 reg to 5 reg).
Ideally, when you perform Full Replacement from txn EG30, most of the time you will get this error EN-407 - we tend to ignore that as there for the new Device being installation SAP has not found the LOGIKZW yet.
On top of this if you really want to achieve this by user-exit EXIT_SAPLEG60_001 as suggested by SAP, then use the following logic:
This mechanism is used to override SAP proposed Log Reg numbers. Check for the new Device which is being installed from table parameter REG60_N whether LOGIKZW exists or not which will give you what SAP is proposing.
Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on 🙂
2016 Mar 15 1:50 PM
Hi Okan,
You are using the right FMs to perform Device Replacement and I believe when you are assigning X_ACTION = '03' in both of your FMs.
In the KBA Note 1970759, SAP has specified 4 resolutions have you checked first three resolution, particularly point 1 and 2?
According to point 1, you have to defined any default values for allocation of logical registers during logical register maintenance and replacement?
This will allow SAP to ignore those fields on Old and New Devices during Device Replacement.
Before getting into coding, please try from transaction EG30 for your example scenario (3 reg to 5 reg).
Ideally, when you perform Full Replacement from txn EG30, most of the time you will get this error EN-407 - we tend to ignore that as there for the new Device being installation SAP has not found the LOGIKZW yet.
On top of this if you really want to achieve this by user-exit EXIT_SAPLEG60_001 as suggested by SAP, then use the following logic:
This mechanism is used to override SAP proposed Log Reg numbers. Check for the new Device which is being installed from table parameter REG60_N whether LOGIKZW exists or not which will give you what SAP is proposing.
Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on 🙂
2016 Mar 15 2:18 PM
Hi Srinivasan,
First of all thanks for reply.
I already selected Reg.cat, RA and Div.cat at table TE101. And also i used EG30 for this scenario. I get the same error with transaction EG30.
I did what you suggested above in EXIT_SAPLEG60_001. I get same error again. You can see screenshot at below XY_REGNO_N some LOGIKZW fields are initial.
2016 Mar 15 2:26 PM
Hi Okan,
Thanks for sharing the screen-shots, there I could see for new Device with 5 Registers, LOGIKZW is not set for Reg 3 and 4 - this could be the issue.
What I would suggest is that, in the user-exit, using the EQUNR and ZWNUMMER which you are having in XY_REGNO_N can you do a select query on ETDZ and see what are all the values in LOGIKZW?
Also forgot to mention before, can you alternatively try setting XY_REL_UNIQUE indicator from the user-exit?
2016 Mar 15 2:44 PM
Hello again,
I selected query on ETDZ. I'm sharing the screenshot. The LOGIKZW's are different from XY_REGNO_N.
2016 Mar 15 2:55 PM
Hi Okan,
Have you tried by adding these five LOGIKZW (5*47431 to 5*47435) from this table ETDZ for your new Device to the internal table XY_REGNO_N? But the user-exit document says you cannot do this, see below.
You can only specify logical register numbers in table RELATION that exist in table X_REG60_O.
If at least two registers are available that have the same register category, register ID, reactive/active indicator, register type and reference number, the XY_REL_UNIQUE indicator is not set. However, if the registers are in the same register group, appropriate allocations are usually made. In this case, it is advisable to set the indicator in the customer enhancement.
Also is the new Device with 5 register already been installed in another Installation?