2011 Oct 17 2:21 PM
We have a critical issue regarding transactions EA21, EA00, EA13 etc.
This issue is related to SAP IS-U functional configuration.
Issue details:
when using the transaction ES21 to change contract, we cannot move from the first page to the next one,
the error message EDER 052 ("Payment class X from Z is not allocated to service provider A or B") appears.
However, the payment class is defined for one of the service providers mentioned in the message;
In SAP version 4.7, it's working good but in ECC6 this message is being displayed.
Our technical analysis:
include: LES20I01
Function module: ISU_O_CONTRACT_PAI_AFTER is returning SY-SUBRC as 1 in ECC: Hence throwing the message.
But, where as in SAP 4.7 system, sy-subrc is 0 and hence message is not displayed.
This is related to functional configuration in SPRO.
We have raised request in SAP service market place. We have got the following response from SAP.
There is a missing customizing for grouping characteristics for aggregated contract account.
Intercompany Data Exchange
Bill Issue (Aggregated)
Outgoing Bills
Define Grouping Characteristic for Aggregated Contract Account
Please take the necessary customizing for grouping characteristics and test again transaction ES21.
Could any body can help us to follow the necessary steps for the customization.
Edited by: KPREDDY4 on Oct 17, 2011 3:34 PM
2011 Oct 18 4:21 AM
Could not find much about this new customization as this is newly added in ECC 6.0 and was not a part of SAP 4.7.
Define Grouping Characteristic for Aggregated Contract Accou
In this activity you define the grouping characteristics for aggregated contract accounts. You can define multiple grouping characteristics.
This allows you to define several aggregated contract accounts for one service provider pair within the service provider agreement for the INV_OUT deregulation process.
At least one of the grouping characteristics within a service provider agreement must be indicated as Default. The aggregated contract account allocated to this grouping characteristic is then always used, provided the customer does not override it.
Event R207 is used to determine the aggregated contract account.
Existing service provider agreements may have to be converted, in order to be able to use several aggregated contract accounts. You can use the REDEREGPARA_001 report for this purpose.
2011 Nov 07 10:33 AM
Configuration customization to be done in ECC -SAP ISU.
In 4.7 system, without this customization, it works.
Characterstics are to be defined.
Go to SPRO.
1)inter company data exchange
2)basic settings
3)Bill issue
4)out going bills
GrP char: 0, 1, 10 -> check the flag inorder to make default values.
2011 Nov 07 10:35 AM
Configuration customization to be done in ECC -SAP ISU.
In 4.7 system, without this customization, it works.
Characterstics are to be defined.
Go to SPRO.
1)inter company data exchange
2)basic settings
3)Bill issue
4)out going bills
GrP char: 0, 1, 10 -> check the flag inorder to make default values.