2015 Nov 18 9:41 AM
We are having a problem in the integration of FICA and FM in t-code FP25 - "Process Check Lot".
The problem is just in posting operation, right here, We got the error message FKKFMCHK018 - FICA/FM Error - Posting no permitted;
With diagnosis of you have posted a document that in Funds Management only has commitment ítem with financial transaction 60 but not cleared ítem. The system cannot classify such posting by business transaction. Therefore, these posting are not permitted.
For this example, the commitment ítem is created with financial transaction = 60 becouse is not a posting invoice.
Please help
Best regards
2015 Nov 18 3:11 PM
Can you refer to the SAP Note, 686383 and 1251167.
The error that you are getting is coming from the standard include, LFKKFM_CHECKSF0C, which infers that FMDERIVE is incorrect.
Hope it helps..