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Error in DFKKKO While Invoicing For Multiple Consumers

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear All,

I was doing invoicing for multiple portions from EATB simultaneously, while processing those at night some of the jobs get failed raising an exception that duplicate entries found while updating in DFKKKO. When i tried to reprocess those one by one those get processed without any such issues.

I can't replicate the scenarios as those are batch process. The below is the error which i received, can anyone help me out in this, it has now became a bottle neck.




The termination is caused because exception "CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB" occurred in

procedure "DB_UPDATE" "(FORM)", but it was neither handled locally nor declared

in the RAISING clause of its signature.

The procedure is in program "SAPLFKB0 "; its source code begins in line

93 of the (Include program "LFKB0FD0 ".

Thanks, Jay Das


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Jay,

Check SAP Note 1857966.

The process that you are following is pretty much standard.So if you are getting an error even after you implement the above SAP Note, I would recommend you to raise an OSS with SAP for the same.



0 Kudos

Thanks Amlan For your quick suggestion.

I haven gone through the note and yes i have also analyzed that it is somehow trying to update the fica document number which is simultaneously used by some other processess. Let see i will try to incorporate the note and the update you accordingly.

I will keep you update. Thanks a lot.

Regards, Jay Das

0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

I too getting above dump while invoicing Multiple CAs at a time.

I tried even implementing SAP Note 1857966, but still dump is coming and other than that I am getting performance issues as well.

when I saw the code by debugging. At line 400 of Program SAPLFKB0 -> LFKB0FB0,

"MOVE-CORRESPONDING FKKKO TO DB_DFKKKO" statement moving entries to DFKKO table with MANDT value as blank. Thanks why it is giving runtime error while inserting entries into table.

Do let me know is there any other way to handle it.


0 Kudos

Check SAP Note 2189835.

