2016 Aug 17 5:20 PM
While Trying to create the aggregated posting using the transaction ETHIM_TAX, more precisely at step : Create aggregated Bill Document
I have assigned the contract account at the service provider agreement in the transaction EEDMIDESERVPROV02.
I get this error :
Can anybody help me out of this ?
2016 Aug 18 12:06 PM
Hi Sinda,
I assume you are using a service provider for which the relevant service provider agreement type is INVPAYIO (INV_OUT).
Can you check the following -
(a) Values mainatined in the table EDEREGSWITCH2005?
(b) At the installation, in the de-reg box in the serv. type (distribution) is maintained?
2016 Aug 18 12:23 PM
Hi Amlan ,
Yes Im using INV_OUT for service provider agreement type .
The table EDEREGSWITCH2005 is maintained and the service type (distribution) is maintained also at the installation.