2013 Jul 16 10:53 AM
Hi Friends,
I am working in SAP ISU project and I am getting an error message while Invoicing through EA19 for few Customers.
Error: Not possible to clear the tax difference (Message no. EB030)
While analysing the reason/solution, we found one SAP Note 1682996 which has to be implemented to rectify this error message while invoicing. I applied the note but again i got the same error in EA19.
When I debugged the code for EA19 I got a function module "ISU_INV_CLEAR_TAX_ROUNDING_DIF" in which it is failing the code.
Program is failing in Line number 500 and this code is way ahead than the place where I have aplied the SAP Note.
Request you to please suggest what will be the possible solution for this.
Bipul Singh
2013 Jul 17 3:32 AM
Hi Bipul,
There can be many reasons why you are getting this error.
SAP note 1682996 that you have applied only fixes the scenario where a particular contract account contains many billing documents with small amounts.
If that's the issue with your error, then it would have fixed it.
Check SAP Note 1842501:This deals with the same error. and fixes the scenario that may occur when a tax jurisdiction code is used if there are SUBT lines that have same value added tax code and the same tax jurisdiction code, but a different tax date.
Check SAP note 1648509 & 1648991:This deals with the error occurs only when you use the partial bill procedure.
So before implementing the note, check the root cause of the error and if the root cause is being catered by the SAP note, then only try to implement the same.
Moreover, SAP has given a correction instruction for SAP note 1682996 which corrects the error for a collective bill. Please refer to the note 1811003 and if you are using the Collective bill functionality only then try to implement it to avoid future errors.
Hope it helps....
2013 Jul 17 1:10 PM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for you reply.
I checked all the SAP Notes provided by you. None of the SAP note is useful for us to rectify this error.
SAP Note 1842501 - We are not using tax jurisdiction code so this is not useful.
SAP Note1648509 & 1648991 are also not useful.
I tried to debug the code for EA19 and got to know that in function module ISU_INV_CLEAR_TAX_ROUNDING_DIF at line number 352 there is a rounding off difference in Tax amount between FKKOPK items and ERDZ items and due to which this error is coming.
At the time of invoicing there is a difference of 0.01 (field SBETW) and the code is not able to find any item in FKKOPK for this amount while doing the invoice. I don't think any of the SAP note will be helpful.
Is there any way we can solve this?
Bipul Singh
2013 Jul 17 3:03 PM
You can ask support - but you will need to apply those notes since they issue the same error.
2013 Jul 18 6:42 AM
Hi Bipul,
Are you using invoice rounding rules in your system?
I think the error that you are getting is because of some data issue/incorrect configuration and not because of some error in Standard SAP.
In your scenario, the tax amount field is getting pre-populated with a value and getting an error.
Are you performing an invoicing for a manual bill?
2013 Jul 19 1:16 AM
Can you check if a "Rounding Category" config is maintained at SAP Utilities > Invoicing > Basic Settings > Define Basic Settings for Invoicing. Ideally it should be "No Amount Rounding".