2011 Feb 09 8:49 AM
Hi All
I am migrating temporary disconnection and reconnection using the DISC_* objects in EMIGALL. While creating the disconnection document using the DISC_DOC object, I mention the Reference Object Type as "ISUACCOUNT". This causes the "REFOBJKEY" field to be automatically set to the Contract Account number.
My requirement is to migrate a combination of Contract Account + BP number as the Ref Object Key. I have tried migrating the field as a Fixed Value(with abap code) and also wtih Abap rules but it seems to have no effect, the REFOBJKEY field is always assigned the Contract account number. Can someone suggest a way to approach this?
2011 Feb 09 10:35 AM
Hello Rushi,
It is correct that the Objekttyp EDISCDOC_REFOBJTYPE ISUACCOUNT is hard coded with the reason 01.
It is recommended no to change this as the actions within the disconnection document with reaon 01 require
the reference object ISUACCOUNT. Also the events refer to the reference object ISUACCOUNT.
2011 Feb 09 10:47 AM
Hi Olivia,
Thank you for your reply. I don't want to change the disconnection reason for ISUACCOUNT, I want to change the Reference Object key for this. Right now, EMIGALL is defaulting it to the Contract Account number. Do you mean that it is not advisable to try to change this value?