2017 Aug 17 7:00 AM
I'm attempting to generate a Hyper Object in EMIGALL with a PROFASSIGN structure.
it appears the code in 'GET_LOGIZW' in event SERVI01 is not translating in the Hyper Object, & when generating after adding PROFASSIGN, I am presented with the error
"The field "EPROFASS_AUTO_DATA" is unknown, but there is a field with the similar name "H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01"."
Are there any suggestions on overcoming this?
2017 Aug 17 11:52 PM
I resolved this by replacing the event code provided below (for reference)
" we have to combine EQUNR and ZWNUMMER (and dates)
" to have the correct LOGIKZW !!
data: wa_etdz like etdz.
data: it_etdz like table of wa_etdz.
select * from etdz into table it_etdz
where equnr = emg_profassign_int-equnr
and zwnummer = emg_profassign_int-zwnummer.
loop at auto-ieprofass_auto into eprofass_auto_data.
loop at it_etdz into wa_etdz
where bis ge eprofass_auto_data-dateto
and ab le eprofass_auto_data-dateto.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
mac_msg_putx 'E' '093'
'EG' emg_profassign_int-equnr
'X' space
space space.
if 1 = 2. message e093(eg). endif.
mac_jump 5.
eprofass_auto_data-logikzw = wa_etdz-logikzw.
modify auto-ieprofass_auto from eprofass_auto_data.
" move referred profile number to auto data
move-corresponding emg_profassign_int to auto-auto_key.
with this:
" we have to combine EQUNR and ZWNUMMER (and dates)
" to have the correct LOGIKZW !!
data: wa_etdz like etdz.
data: it_etdz like table of wa_etdz.
select * from etdz into table it_etdz
where equnr = emg_profassign_int-equnr
and zwnummer = emg_profassign_int-zwnummer.
loop at auto-ieprofass_auto into H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01.
loop at it_etdz into wa_etdz
where bis ge H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01-dateto
and ab le H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01-dateto.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
mac_msg_putx 'E' '093'
'EG' emg_profassign_int-equnr
'X' space
space space.
if 1 = 2. message e093(eg). endif.
mac_jump 5.
H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01-logikzw = wa_etdz-logikzw.
modify auto-ieprofass_auto from H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01.
" move referred profile number to auto data
move-corresponding emg_profassign_int to auto-auto_key.
the Hyper object now compiles without error.
2017 Aug 17 11:52 PM
I resolved this by replacing the event code provided below (for reference)
" we have to combine EQUNR and ZWNUMMER (and dates)
" to have the correct LOGIKZW !!
data: wa_etdz like etdz.
data: it_etdz like table of wa_etdz.
select * from etdz into table it_etdz
where equnr = emg_profassign_int-equnr
and zwnummer = emg_profassign_int-zwnummer.
loop at auto-ieprofass_auto into eprofass_auto_data.
loop at it_etdz into wa_etdz
where bis ge eprofass_auto_data-dateto
and ab le eprofass_auto_data-dateto.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
mac_msg_putx 'E' '093'
'EG' emg_profassign_int-equnr
'X' space
space space.
if 1 = 2. message e093(eg). endif.
mac_jump 5.
eprofass_auto_data-logikzw = wa_etdz-logikzw.
modify auto-ieprofass_auto from eprofass_auto_data.
" move referred profile number to auto data
move-corresponding emg_profassign_int to auto-auto_key.
with this:
" we have to combine EQUNR and ZWNUMMER (and dates)
" to have the correct LOGIKZW !!
data: wa_etdz like etdz.
data: it_etdz like table of wa_etdz.
select * from etdz into table it_etdz
where equnr = emg_profassign_int-equnr
and zwnummer = emg_profassign_int-zwnummer.
loop at auto-ieprofass_auto into H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01.
loop at it_etdz into wa_etdz
where bis ge H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01-dateto
and ab le H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01-dateto.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
mac_msg_putx 'E' '093'
'EG' emg_profassign_int-equnr
'X' space
space space.
if 1 = 2. message e093(eg). endif.
mac_jump 5.
H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01-logikzw = wa_etdz-logikzw.
modify auto-ieprofass_auto from H_IEPROFASS_AUTO01.
" move referred profile number to auto data
move-corresponding emg_profassign_int to auto-auto_key.
the Hyper object now compiles without error.