2011 Jul 06 11:04 AM
We have successfully migrated partners with PARTNER object. Now testers found that there is a field in a BUT000 structure that was not populated at export into a file (field is included in PARTNER mig.obj.).
Do I have to replicate and develop all the fields form PARTNER also in PARTNERCHA to create an update of a single field or may I just create a autom. structure BUT000 with a single field? If not is the INIT autom. str. required an if it is is it enough just to include a field with BP number?
I tried with replication of all fields in BUT000 hoping that i could reuse the file structure of PARTNER mig. obj. but the fields positions in PARTNERCHA do not correspond to the fields of PARTNER, why? Is it possible to change the order of fields?
Thanks for your help!
Best regards!
2011 Jul 06 10:39 PM
Hi Peter
I've never had to use the object PARTNERCHA (and I don't have time to check it out at the moment), so I'm not 100% certain what you need in this particular case. Normally, there's a no-data character to be passed through to indicate, that the field needs to be cleared, otherwise the original value is untouched. See function ISU_M_PARTNER_CREATE_DARK parameter X_NODATA.
The object PARTNER and PARTNERCHA use the same type/structures. If they do not match you should give "Position as DDIC" a go. You can find it in the EMIGALL menu under "Field". Also check the set-up you've done and that you use "Sort list by field position".
2011 Jul 07 12:53 PM
Hello Peter,
You may find more details about this topic in chapter 7.4.4 of the Guidelines IS Migration Workbench.