2015 Nov 18 7:45 AM
Hi Everyone,
I am using EMIGALL to perform PARTNER migration, however when perofrming the import the program is termintating with message type X and giving the error message R1 140 Specify at lease one valid role for the BP.
I am new to EMIGALL but I thought that mesage is only given when you have made updates to INIT-BU_RLTYP, which I have not. I am using a fixed value of "MKK" in this field. THe program also gives the mesage if I update INIT-BU_RLTYP to use the standard rule provided.
Is there another reason that this error would occur?
Thanks in advance,
2015 Nov 18 9:11 AM
Hi Hashendrie,
Generate ans pass "MKK" in ROLE1 field.
2015 Nov 18 9:18 AM
Hi Chandandeep,
Thanks for the reply - I also have ROLE1 populated with MKK as well.
2015 Nov 18 9:27 AM
Hi Hashendrie,
What fields are you using from from INIT structure, Deactivate BU_RLTYP, generate the migration object and try again to create the BP.
BU_TYPE pass value as '1' if BP if person '2' for Organization and 3 for Group
ROLE1 pass value as MKK
2015 Nov 18 1:19 PM
Hi Chandaneep,
I am using the following:
PARTNER - Transfer |
MUSTER_KUN - Fixed Value |
BU_RLTYP - Fixed Vaue (MKK) |
BU_TYPE - Transfer |
BU_GROUP - Transfer |
BPKIND - Transfer |
ROLE1 -Fixed Vaue (MKK) |
CHIND_1 - Fixed Vaue (I) |
I have tried deactiving BU_RLTYP, and the import short dumps as expected. When I reactivate BU_RLTYP - still short dumps.
2015 Nov 18 1:58 PM
Hi Hashendrie.
Can you enter business partner manualy, using BP transaction, and choosing MKK as a business partner role? Also, you can check table V_TB003 for the correct config of MKK role.
Then, are you sure all other data are OK? Can you simulate with a simple scenario: set BU_TYPE to 1 fixed (person), BU_GROUP fixed to the value that you have in your system, BPKIND also fixed to 1, and, for the purpose of test, dont populate ROLE1 nor CHIND_1. That way, you can isolate the problem and see what stops the import.
Hope it helps.