2013 Jul 05 2:06 AM
Starting with Migration Object PROFHEAD as a baseline, I am attempting to create a custom migration object to update existing Profile headers.
The goal is to update the Consistency check group applied to n Profile Headers.
The only 2 fields generated are Profile & Conschckgrp
I cant get the import parameter to use AUTO, as when I do...
No profile number is passed from import values in test data & short dump occurs.
The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE', was not caught and therefore caused a runtime error.
The reason for the exception is: The call to the function module "ISU_S_PROFHEAD_CHANGE" is incorrect:
The function module interface allows you to specify only fields of a particular type under "X_PROFILE". The field "AUTO" specified here is a different field type
This is the config thus far.
I've tried a number of possibilities already IE EMG_PROFHEAD_INT with no success. So, any advice what to use in X_PROFILE to have it pass without error into the ISU_S_PROFHEAD_CHANGE function
As an alternative, I attempted to create a migration object from FM: ISU_DB_EPROFHEAD_UPDATE & this functions largely as expected apart from the need to fill every field in the structure to avoid updating NULL values into previously populated fields.
2013 Jul 08 4:54 AM
Long Story short, I've created a MDT (MD Template Category: EDM_PROFHEAD) & used the wrapper function in EMIGALL. Much simpler, "Just Works" Only updates the required fields.
Regret not having thought of it sooner.
2013 Jul 05 2:28 AM
This stops the short dumps, but the AUTO-PROFILE is not populated with the test profile number.
Also, if I enter a valid Profile number in Debug, Im still prompted with additional fields needing to be passed IE Profile Description, then Division... very inconvenient.
2013 Jul 08 2:36 AM
My process to implement this ISU_S_PROFHEAD_CHANGE function as a BAPI has been
4. after hitting yes, the create process short dumps.
So I obviously shouldn't have been using it in the 1st place. but whats life without a little challenge.
at this point I had cloned the SAP PROFHEAD Migration object & updated as follows.
the problem I have discovered is in the generated code.
There is no "Move-Corresponding" for the header data.
At this point I go back to the automation structure maintenance, & un-check the Customer structure field.
After saving & attempting to regenerate the migration object...
"PROFILE" is not a structure or internal table with header line.
So still not functional
2013 Jul 08 4:54 AM
Long Story short, I've created a MDT (MD Template Category: EDM_PROFHEAD) & used the wrapper function in EMIGALL. Much simpler, "Just Works" Only updates the required fields.
Regret not having thought of it sooner.