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Emigall: DEVMOD: How to update register group, register and rate data through DEVMOD object

0 Kudos

Hi all,

Urgent help required, we have a requirement to create time slices on device info record (post device installation) through device modification based on with register configuration changes it has undergone. However, along with the register group, its individual register, register rate type and rate fact group also needs to be modified. This is achievable through standard transaction EG42 by entering new register group and navigating through ---> Goto ---> Rate data, but we need to do this in bulk through Emigall object DEVMOD. Standard Emigall object does not have any rate data fields TARIFART and KONDIGRE in REG or REG_MOD structures.

Any inputs would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Davinder Singh


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Use DEVICERATE to transfer TARIFART / KONDIGRE fields.
You can construct a hyperobject to manage the DEVICEMOD + DEVICERATE together.

The documentation in EMIGALL has specific details. (all credit to the sap documentation for the detail below)
Migration Concept for Rate Data
The migration of rate data for an installation structure is performed in several steps, to ensure that missing rate data does not result in error messages during the data migration.


Configure the Implementation Guide such that the specification of a rate type is not required for the installation of devices and registers for billing purposes (system parameters RATETDNES and RATETRNES).


1. Create the installation

Migration object INSTLN is used to create an installation with the data relevant for billing, such as the billing class, meter reading unit, and rate category.

2. Change the installation

Migration object INSTLNCHA is used to create or change the installation data that is relevant for billing.

3. Installation/removal/modification/replacement for billing purposes of devices

Migration object INST_MGMT is used to create the device history of the installation.

4. Create additional meter reading results

Migration object METERREAD is used to migrate the meter reading results that are required to make billing-relevant changes to rate data.

5. Create rate data for the devices installed in the installation.

Migration object DEVICERATE is used to create or change the rate data for the device history of the installation.