2012 Jun 27 6:05 AM
Using EMIGALL to do a mass data update in IS-U in order to apply a register group historically.
the error message received is 'Device XYZ123: MR documents exist after activity date. Activity denied'
While I understand this is a correct error for a dialog Device modification via EG42 for instance, it is prefered in our migration to apply the updates within the existing data for dates where Meter Readings & Bills already exist.
When reviewing 'IS-U Migration > Settings > Customising settings' & adding Control Parameters for
They appear non functional.
2012 Jun 27 10:58 AM
Hi Daniel,
The parameters READ_BILLPER_OFF and READ_BILL_OFF are supposed to by pass al the billing relevant checks during the Device Modiication called from the Migration Object.
Could you please tick them on and the place a break point on the Line number 17 of the FM ISU_INST_STRUC_CHNG_BILL_CHECK to see how the system is behaving...This function module should be called when the generated report is executed from the Migration WB...
Hope this helps..
2012 Jun 27 10:58 AM
Hi Daniel,
The parameters READ_BILLPER_OFF and READ_BILL_OFF are supposed to by pass al the billing relevant checks during the Device Modiication called from the Migration Object.
Could you please tick them on and the place a break point on the Line number 17 of the FM ISU_INST_STRUC_CHNG_BILL_CHECK to see how the system is behaving...This function module should be called when the generated report is executed from the Migration WB...
Hope this helps..
2012 Jul 04 4:10 AM
Thanks for the feedback Sitakant,
detailed testing so far has not shown the FM you mentioned being passed any reference of the parameters I had set. But has provided a useful avenue of investigation.
2012 Jul 05 2:09 AM
Using DEVICEMOD for an existing IS-U installed device, with meter reading history in place is not possible for any dates within a meter reading period.
The Control Parameters noted are not related to the meter reading documents & therefore have no effect on the process I was attempting.