2012 Jul 30 1:39 PM
Hi there,
I am trying to upload Business Partner using EMIGALL, i m having some issues
Q1 : ZZWAERS in but000 for partner unable to migare.
ZZWAERS was added as an append zone in BUT000 in append structure.
what i did :
1. Extend the structure by adding custom field ZZWAERS and activate.
2. Write the code on Field level in the abap rule at the sub screen RULE.
3. Generate the report.
When i import data from the file, the field ZZWAERS is blank and not migrated.
Q2 : Management Status to migrate the BP staus active, bad debt..
what i did :
1. Add a new structure TJ30T
2. Create an event at Fill02. Sort Order 11 and save
3. Write my custum code.
when i activate, i m having syntax error in the RE3TR_NC00_PAR
is there any think that i m missing as i m new to emigall.
Many tks for your help.
2012 Sep 04 10:41 AM
Are you still looking for the solution ?
How the field ZZWAERS added in table BUT000 ? If it is added via .include, you dont need to write any ABAP code for that. Compare the structure with standard one (EMIGALL : Select object and structure. Click on Menu > Structure > Comapre with DDIC). A pop-up will show you which all fields added in this table. Click on Ok. All the displayed fields will be added. Generate it and there you go.
2012 Sep 04 11:19 PM
Hi Su,
The ZZWAERS field was added as an include, I have did the comparaison with DDIC for the BUT000 structure but the field still not migrated.
I 'm still looking for a solution.
Tks fir your help.
2012 Sep 27 4:21 PM
Hi Ali, did you configure the field as processing type "rule"? If so, what is the abap rule you provided then?
If you want to migrate the data from the input/load file, then you should just configure the ZZWAERS field as a processing type "3" - transfer so the contents of the file will be migrated over. The ABAP rule, overrides the value if you are not specifically moving $c$ to $s$.
Hope this helps.
2015 Jan 19 8:13 AM
You solved this problem? I have the same problem. Not downloaded custom fields. I compare the structure with standard ( Menu > Structure > Comapre with DDIC) And configure the Z-field as a processing type "3" - transfer so the contents of the file will be migrated over.
All of these actions do not help me. Please help find the problem
2015 Jan 19 4:07 PM
Hi Marina.
Are you trying to add a field in the existing structure or are you having your own structure?
In case youre adding field in existing structure, you can check if that structure has been expanded with the Z-field that you want to import. If you did "Compare with DDIC" it should be consistent.
If it is, then you can check the code thats used for migrating that structure (you will find the function module in the migration object properties). At this point, you should implement the either user-exit or event, in order to process the Z-field. You can access events by going to "Migration structure - Change" and then "Utilities - Events".
Alternatively, you can copy the existing function module to a Z one, add the logic for the Z-field import and use the new function module as the service module for the migration object you need. This is a longer and less good way of doing it.
If you are using your own structure, then you have to define both the structure and the code for the migration and connect all that together and then test the import.