2015 Jan 08 12:51 PM
2015 Jan 08 9:09 PM
Hi Mary Lee.
In order to use the FPB7 transaction (Data transfer from Account Statement to Payment/Returns Lot) for electronic bank statement, you first need to have the electronic bank statement imported into the FI part.
Check transaction FF_5 which imports the electronic bank statement data file in various formats into the SAP. Once you have the electronic bank statement imported, go to transaction FPB7 and choose Company code, House bank, House bank account and Statement number. The latest field will autocomplete the statement date and ID (which is usualy the statement number).
In case you want to import the electronic bank statement only to FI-CA part, then check transaction FPB17. In that case, you will have to have the electronic bank statement in MultiCash format.
2015 Jan 08 9:09 PM
Hi Mary Lee.
In order to use the FPB7 transaction (Data transfer from Account Statement to Payment/Returns Lot) for electronic bank statement, you first need to have the electronic bank statement imported into the FI part.
Check transaction FF_5 which imports the electronic bank statement data file in various formats into the SAP. Once you have the electronic bank statement imported, go to transaction FPB7 and choose Company code, House bank, House bank account and Statement number. The latest field will autocomplete the statement date and ID (which is usualy the statement number).
In case you want to import the electronic bank statement only to FI-CA part, then check transaction FPB17. In that case, you will have to have the electronic bank statement in MultiCash format.
2015 Jan 09 3:20 AM
Hi Marko,
Thank for your help.. I 'll go back FI to check that ...
2015 Jan 15 2:25 PM
Hi Marko ,
Thanks for your response , so helpful to solve the problem.
May I ask you another question here ? In bank incoming file there will some reference no.(like invoice no.) for clear open item purpose , my question is how to connect this reference no with open item? I know there is standard event 0950 ,could you give some idea?
thanks !
2015 Jan 15 3:38 PM
Hey Mary Lee.
Connecting the open items with the payments is done via Note to payee functionality. You can chech that in Financial Accoutning (New) – Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable – Business Transactions – Payments – Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments – Define Interpretation Rules for Note to Payee (and the following programs in IMG, where you can test your setting).
Using that functionality, you can define how will you "read" the note to payee field from the electronic bank statement (you have that field in the MT940 file format, if youre using it; if youre using the local country file convertor, then you have to check which fields get written in the needed field) and how will you extract the data to identify the open item. For example, you can use the document number, or the combination of contract account and reference document number, or any other solution that fits your business scenario.
2015 Feb 13 6:39 AM
Hello Marko,
Could you guide me how to config "Define Interpretation Rules for Note to Payee" . if we use BP no.+ Invoice no.as key field . since I have done define rule ,but I didnot get expected results from test run.
Thanks in advance!
2015 Feb 15 10:10 PM
Hi Mary.
There is a variety of different setups for the note to payee field, but if your single field consists of the contract account + invoice (for example: 98114-322318) then I suppose you will have to expand the default functionality with your own logic, to combine the two information.
Additionaly, if you use invoice number, it should be enough to determine the business partner from it, and then you will have everything you need to correctly connect the payment with the invoice, assuming the invoice number is unique and not issued per business partner.
2015 Feb 19 2:07 AM
2015 Mar 02 11:55 AM