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EG31 - Device location created does not have premise populated

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi experts,

Need your help or experience if you have seen this problem before:

When I'm installing a device using t-code EG31 by specifying installation or Connection object and Device, a new device location is created but that device location is not populated with the premise information although premise is a mandatory field in the device location.

I'm not sure if its standard SAP bug. I've tried to look for an SAP note but couldn't find any.

Is it standard behavior? It doesn't seem to me because how can an object be created without populating all the mandatory fields in the transactions unless its a direct insert in the table instead of going through all the validation check either through a BAPI or a other check routines.

Any input will be helpful..



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Amira,

I understand that while doing EG31, when you enter the screen after click on " Process List", you are not able to see Premise, Is it right?. If this is the step, yes sometimes it happened to me as well previously. We can manually enter here , sometimes alos can chnage if its wrongly populated.


Former Member
0 Kudos


Are you sure that Premise is a mandatory field for the Device Location as mandated by SAP standard ?

Cause if you look into the customization : SAP Utilities -> Master Data -> Device Location -> Define Field Selection for Device Location, you will find that here you can make the Premise a mandatory/display only/hidden parameter in the Device Location screen.

A Connection Object is the only mandatory parameter for Device Location.

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos

Thanks for your reply!

I understand that its controlled by the configuration whether to make premise mandatory or not. But my point is if configuration is set to have premise mandatory, then shouldn't standard EG31 program check it before creating DL. This is causing incorrect data creation and other inconsistencies in the system. If premise is not populated in the DL then its also not populated in the master data tab in IQ03 (Device display). We can control it by using one of the user-exits to check before save but I was more looking for an OSS note for this.


0 Kudos


I got your point but then even Master Data Templates work the same way.

Anyways Premise is a mandatory parameter during Installation creation,so Device display would work , you can see that in various tab.

And as you mentioned you can always have the code in the user exit.

