2010 Oct 30 1:28 PM
Hi Experts,
I have created a custom settlement procedure with custom steps and custom parameters.
I have maintained the grid in the settlement unit and the same grid in the installation and PoD.
I have created a custom selection type 99 to represent "injected energy'.
When I create a settlement document, the run fails and on debugging I find that there is no entry in table EEDMSETTLIN.
I am not sure what's wrong with the data setup, or what is the error ?
Pls let me know. Also if you need more details on the query, I can share those as well.
2010 Nov 05 2:16 PM
Here is an informations found in the guidelines for the development of settlement procedures :
"In a settlement run, the allocated points of delivery are determined for every settlement unit. The point of delivery is allocated to a settlement unit indirectly via the point of delivery services allocated to the point of delivery.
The system checks each point of delivery to determine whether readings are measured using an interval meter or a regular consumption meter. For interval reading, you can determine the allocation of the consumption value to the point of delivery using the allocation of the interval meter to the point of delivery. In the case of cumulative consumption measurement, the synthetic load profile is allocated to the installation and therefore also to the point of delivery.
Several installations and allocated profiles can exist for each settlement-relevant point of delivery. As a result, information on the service type for settlement procedure, the definition of selection types and profile allocation roles is taken into account.
Points of delivery for each settlement unit and its corresponding consumption profile are determined in one settlement step. The allocation of PoDs to the settlement units is taken from the EEDMUISETTLUNIT table that is synchronized via the CL_ISU_EDM_UI_SETTLUNIT class. An indicator that controls the settlement-relevance of a PoD is also managed at this level.
The selection results are saved in the following tables in the database:
EEDMSETTLUF for synthetic profiles including consumption factors. The synthetic profile number also contains information about the customer group a (non-interval) customer belongs to.
EEDMSETTLIN for load shapes (measured using an interval meter)
Non-interval customer profiles are selected in two paths:
Selection using the registers directly allocated to the PoDs (technical point of delivery)
Selection using the installations allocated to the PoDs (deregulation point of delivery)
The system checks whether a profile is included in the settlement (of a settlement run) more than once for a period via the deregulation point of delivery of the installation or via a (different) technical point of delivery (imported, for example, using the profile values). If this is the case, the system diagnoses an error and terminates the settlement.
Once the grid selection function is activated in the settlement procedure, the grid identification is determined for each billing-relevant point of delivery."So you have to figure out why your profile with values is not taked in account by the settlement procedure. I the role of your profile the same that the role of the input parameters ? Is your POD selected in EEDMUISETTLUNIT ?