2010 Dec 15 1:42 PM
Hi Experts,
I have got the profile values in Table - EPROFVAL30 in EDM, based on which utility customer has to be billed. But some of the values have not been transported due to which billing line items are showing zero consumption amount. Can anyone help me on same.
Wil Appreciate a prompt Response.!!
Thanks in Advance!!
Aakriti Vig
2010 Dec 15 10:10 PM
Check your RTP component(s) if it is generated.
Also make sure the time of use groups are defined correctly (separate if a period passes midnight, eg. 23:00 to 08:00 for off peak to be defined as 23:00 - 00:00 and 00:00 - 08:00).
Also you could check your billing document and the tab RTP analysis to see what it executes/calculates.
2010 Dec 17 8:03 PM
how about that -
1) from where to where do you try to transport values?
2) If you look in the table you see values in UTC time. How does it look like in EEDM02 or better what is your billing timezone?
3) did you allocate the rate facts correctly to your RTP-Resultparameters?
Will appriciate a prompt Response.!! when issue resovled