2013 Nov 25 11:14 AM
After uploading the profile values, when we executed billing, the system did not take the billing factor(multiplication factor) for billing quantity calculation.The billing was found to be based on the meter reading alone.If anybody has come across similar scenarios, please share your views.
2013 Nov 25 12:55 PM
Hi Felix,
After calculating base charge , you need to multiply the charge with the mentioned factor in rtae steps (Schema). And you need to store the billing factor value wither any of the folloiwng facts (location).
Installation facts
Rate facts
Rate category facts
I hope it will resolve or else please elaborate your issue.
2013 Nov 26 4:22 AM
It should be calculated automatically by the system based on meter readings and the billing factor for a particular meter in the system. Billing factor is dynamic and is calculated by the system in Device management. This should be automatically used by the billing engine.
This happens correctly, if RTP billing is not used.